What are the benefits of outsourcing locally?

If you’ve heard about the many benefits of using a Virtual Assistant and you’re ready to take the plunge and start outsourcing a selection of business support tasks, you might be wondering where to start when it comes to choosing a VA.

While a quick Google search will pull up a whole host of VA businesses based in New Zealand, it will also reveal a wide range of international options; with many of them offering some seriously enticing hourly rates! 

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While keeping outsourcing costs to a minimum may be a key motivating factor for you in your business, it is prudent to remember that there are pros and cons with outsourcing work both locally and internationally.

International outsourcing might be an excellent option if you’re looking for a low-cost business support solution that’s centred around more reactive admin work or you like the idea of your virtual support being in a different time zone (which means they can keep working while you/your team are offline).

Still, there is a vast range of benefits to outsourcing right here in New Zealand! 

To help you make the call on which type of support will make the most sense for your business, let’s take a look at the 6 main reasons you might consider outsourcing locally. 

#1. Same time zone

If working in the same time zone as your Virtual Assistant is something you consider vitally important, outsourcing to a fellow Kiwi is an obvious solution. With everyone working within the same business hours, you have the option of contacting your VA during your workday and even establishing more of a proactive ‘PA-type’ working relationship if required.   

#2. Language

There are many different reasons language is an essential factor to consider when deciding where to outsource work, but one of the biggest has to be ensuring clear communication.

If you require your VA to take calls or respond to emails from clients/customers based here in New Zealand, having a VA respond with a local accent, who understands the tone, subtleties, and unique colloquialisms Kiwi’s use, might be a huge drawcard.

If you are seeking peace of mind when it comes to avoiding miscommunication, hiring a VA that enhances your brand and builds rapport through smooth interactions with your valued contacts is a great place to start! 

#3. Proactivity

As New Zealand-based Virtual Assistants are ‘on the ground’ so-to-speak, they have the advantage of intrinsic familiarity with local business practices, which gives them the level of insight required to quickly get a handle on your business and how it fits into the broader market.

This understanding translates to proactivity, which means your New Zealand based VA will fast become a seriously efficient, productive, and forward-thinking force in your business.  

#4. Local knowledge

There are many tasks you might wish to outsource that would benefit from being completed by someone who knows the area/city/local businesses. For example, if you required a VA to plan a business event from A-Z, someone who had first-hand knowledge around which restaurants and activities were suitable would be a huge advantage.

Tasks are also likely to be completed faster because, in addition to having local knowledge, experience, and connections, a New Zealand VA will know immediately which websites and resources to utilise and will not need to spend a great deal of time researching. 

#5. Ease of start up

There is something to be said for being able to contact a VA and get started almost immediately!

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With local VAs, you can hit the ground running because all the vital nitty-gritty is in place. You both have NZ bank accounts, and a local VA can provide you with a compliant tax invoice that you can deduct as an expense. They’ll also have a ‘terms of engagement’ doc ready for you to sign, which will help ensure you both know where you stand before work commences. 

Yes, outsourcing to a local VA is a rather smooth and efficient process!

In addition to the business end of things being seamless, you’ll likely find your VA is more than willing to walk you step-by-step through the onboarding process. Having someone right there with you, who can answer all your questions and advise you on things such as the right tools and apps to use, is a sure-fire way to kick off your new working relationship without the stress. 

#6. Technology

One big plus that you may not have considered is that New Zealand has a very stable power and internet network.

When you’re working closely with a virtual support person, a reliable way to communicate with them is an essential part of the agreement. That being said, not all international locations have a super-fast or 100% reliable power and internet setup, so it pays to consider this when making your outsourcing decision, as a drop out in communications could cause costly service disruptions and time delays.   

Ready to get started?

We hope these points have helped give you a little more insight into the benefits of outsourcing locally. As we have detailed, there are most definitely pros and cons to each option, however, if you’re seeking agile, proactive, and responsive business support, we think you might find outsourcing locally the most comprehensive solution.  

The Virtual Assistant Network NZ has made it easy for New Zealand based business owners to find a skilled local Virtual Assistant to suit their outsourcing needs. 

Simply head on over to our online directory and search for a VA via their location and services they provide. 

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A bit about the Author

Jo Jensen is the founder of Strictly Savvy - one of New Zealand’s top VA Agencies.

With over 15 VAs on her books (both local and international), this cool, calm and collected leader knows a thing or two about outsourcing.

Samantha Browne